LKCG22 ago 20231 min.Teach anatomy from every angle with Complete AnatomyIn the classroom, in the lab, or even at home, Complete Anatomy helps educators design, build, and share their anatomy teaching...
LKCG5 abr 20211 min.3D4Medical Complete AnatomyLos modelos 3D del cuerpo humano más precisos para tus estudiantes. Saca el máximo partido a la gran cantidad de contenido combinado con...
LKCG25 mar 20211 min.ClinicalKey Student Nursing Faculty Support - VideoClinicalKey Student is an interactive education platform that supports students and faculty with trusted nursing content and...
LKCG6 ago 20202 min.ExpertPath y STATdx se alían, con información y recursos actualizados, a la lucha contra la COVID-19Elsevier no se detiene en su compromiso diario de brindar a profesionales y estudiantes de las Ciencias de la Salud la información más...
LKCG19 feb 20201 min.[FREE ACCESS] - Updated Coronavirus Clinical InformationKeep current with the latest clinical and scientific information on nCoV 2019 For the benefit of healthcare professionals, medical...
LKCG28 ene 20201 min.Free access to latest coronavirus clinical informationFor the benefit of healthcare professionals, medical researchers and the public, Elsevier has created a Novel Coronavirus Information Center